Landscape Design Albany Ny

Planning of Designing Retaining Walls? Here Is Everything That You Should Know!

Regardless of your home’s overall landscape, a well-constructed retaining wall can transform a simple yard into one brimming with curb appeal. Also, a retaining wall is an excellent way to deal with the challenges of sloping terrain. Other than these, there are numerous reasons to include a retaining wall in your home landscape.

Whether you are planning to build a retaining wall for aesthetic reasons or functional reasons, here are 

the points that you should consider when designing a retaining wall for your landscape.

Landscape Design Albany NY experts can guide you to build the right retaining wall by assessing your property’s slope, soil composition, and drainage patterns. Get in touch with the most professional landscape services Albany NY, and bring valuable expertise to your project.

Important Read: Should You Spend Money on Landscaping? KD Landscaping Albany NY

Types of Retaining Walls 

Whether commercial or residential, there are primarily two types of retaining walls:

  • Freestanding Walls: The term freestanding refers to walls that do not hold back any materials. Most often, these are used for aesthetic reasons rather than to address existing issues in a garden. Your landscape design can be enriched by freestanding walls because they add texture and color. Also they can act as focal points in other areas, like a patio.
  • Functional Retaining Walls: These walls are built to prevent soil from eroding on one side and are mainly designed to solve engineering problems. Functional retaining walls are not always built with aesthetics in mind, but they can add a nice visual counterweight to your green spaces.

Types of Materials In Retaining Walls

When designing your retaining walls, you can choose from a wide variety of materials and ask the landscape designers to customize your project as per your style and budget. Here are the options: 

Retaining Wall Blocks 

Retaining wall blocks and pavers offer easy curved and straight wall construction. They come in various colors and are often the most budget-friendly option.


Natural stones like flagstone can enhance the aesthetic appeal of a retaining wall. They are a long-lasting, weather-resistant option and provide adequate drainage options when integrated into the design.


Concrete, like stone, is strong and adaptable to the Albany climate. They are suitable for retaining walls below four feet and can be stained or carved for aesthetics.


Brick is a durable, classic retaining wall material. It requires a solid reinforced base and drainage. Consult local building codes and a professional landscape design Albany NY, for proper planning.


Another option for retaining walls is wood. However professional landscape designers don’t recommend it because they have multiple drawbacks, including increased exposure to elements, potential safety issues like splintering, and a higher risk of fading, resulting in a less desirable aesthetic over time.

Build Your Retaining Walls With  The Help of Professional Landscape Services Albany NY

KD Landscaping Albany NY has been assisting businesses and homeowners in building their dream landscape throughout Albany for many years. Our team of professional landscapers has the knowledge, experience, passion, and skills to help create the landscape of your dreams. 

Book your free consultation today!

KD Landscaping Albany NY